EU Business School

The AI Frontier: Preparing for the Future of Work

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It’s hard to believe that ChatGPT is only 16 months old at the time of writing. During that time it has become the poster child for AI (artificial intelligence), due to its open access, ease of use, and – let’s face it – it writes better than most of us can.

But the ubiquity of ChatGPT overshadows developments in so many other fields of AI. Many of us find it hard to keep up with the changes and advances that seem to be happening almost daily. How on earth does an academic discipline in this field keep pace? And where to begin if you’re interested in starting a career in this fast-growing field?

AI at EU Business School

Recognising both the novelty and rapid development of AI in the workplace, EU Business School will introduce two levels of study in the Fall Semester of 2024: BA – Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence for Business; and a Master in Artificial Intelligence for Business. There is also a BA (Hons) in Business Management option following on from the BA degree.

As a new field of study, the basic degree presents most of the building blocks of AI: data literacy, product design, deep learning, and robotics; teaching students how these areas can be integrated into sustainable practices, research, investment, and business growth, as well as studying responsible AI principles and the sociological impact of artificial intelligence. 

The master’s program explores AI technology in depth across a range of business contexts, covering areas such as data analysis, product development, and corporate responsibility in the age of AI, preparing students to work in fields of investment, strategy, and digital transformation, and emphasizing leadership and management skills.

Combined with the academic input, EU Business School exposes students to stimulating networking opportunities. For example, Chairman of Siemens & Maersk Jim Hagermann Snabe recently spoke to EU students about leadership in times of radical change during a Learning From Leaders conference, a range of exclusive sessions where students have access to some of the best minds across various industries. He advised them to throw away the rule book, prioritize innovation and disruption, and empower those around them. 

But Where Will I Find a Job in AI?

Tailoring your job search will depend on your specific interests within AI, whether it’s machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, or another subfield. The reality is that AI can and should be a tool used by nearly every workplace under the sun. Here are some places to start your job search:

  • Tech Companies: Large technology companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple have substantial AI research and development divisions. These companies often lead innovation in AI and are always looking for talented – and qualified – individuals.
  • Start-ups: Many start-ups are focused on AI applications in various domains such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous vehicles. Joining a start-up can provide you with hands-on experience and an opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects.
  • Research Institutions: Universities and research institutions conduct significant AI research. You can look for positions in academic institutions or research labs associated with universities.
  • Consulting Firms: Management consulting firms often have divisions dedicated to AI and data science. They work with various industries to implement AI solutions.
  • Finance and Banking: Financial institutions are increasingly using AI for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and customer service. Banks and investment firms have AI teams focused on improving operational efficiency.
Learning from leaders
  • Healthcare: Hospitals, research centers, and pharmaceutical companies use AI for drug discovery, medical imaging, and patient diagnosis. There are growing opportunities for AI experts in the healthcare industry.
  • Manufacturing and Automotive: Manufacturing companies are adopting AI for predictive maintenance and optimizing production processes. Automotive companies are investing heavily in AI for autonomous driving technologies.
  • Government and Defence: Governments often invest in AI research for defense, security, and public services. Research agencies and defense contractors offer AI-related positions.
  • E-commerce and Retail: Online retailers use AI for personalized recommendations, supply chain optimization, and fraud detection. Big players like Amazon and Alibaba are leaders in AI-driven e-commerce.

As a student of AI, you are also encouraged to network through professional organizations, attend conferences and meetups, and leverage online platforms like LinkedIn and specialized AI job boards. 

Final Thoughts

Job-specific obsolescence due to technological and organizational change, and sector-specific obsolescence due to shifts in employment has been a feature of the 21st-century job market. 

It has been said that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2035 haven’t even been invented yet. 

It’s a safe bet that a lot of those future jobs will be linked to AI. To learn more about EU Business Schools’ innovative range of programs that will set you up for professional success in the world of AI, click here.

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