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Best Courses to Study in an Online Business School

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Acquiring or improving academic qualifications can be expensive and time-consuming, not to mention intellectually challenging. So, is it worth the effort? If you do decide to embark on further study, which qualifications are most in demand, and would it be better to study full-time on campus, or part-time while continuing to build a career and earn a living? Is online study a viable option, and what are its pros and cons? 

Questions and decisions. In this article we will examine some of these options and trends and suggest why EU Business School may be the best solution to giving you the boost you need to climb the career ladder – whether your path is in the corporate world or as an entrepreneur. 

Is Postgraduate Study Worth It? 

Most students who think of continuing their studies do so in the hope that it will improve their employability by broadening their career options and providing a better salary.  

A postgraduate degree can help to strengthen a mediocre undergraduate qualification by creating focus on a specialized area of interest, broadening your intellectual interests, and providing additional skills and knowledge within your existing role. 

Then there is the question of the financial cost of postgraduate study, for which there is scarce funding available. Students who are motivated enough to embark on these programs generally take the long-term view that improved career prospects and the personal satisfaction of achieving one’s intellectual potential more than makes up for the investment of time and money.  

Full time or Part-time, In-person, Online or Blended Learning? 

Few students these days can delay or interrupt their career progression by studying full time, even for another year or two to complete a master’s degree. Returning to campus to attend lectures – unless it is combined with a junior lectureship with a view to a career in academia – is a luxury few can afford. 

EU Business School offers a range of more flexible programs for those who want to obtain a full postgraduate degree without giving up their day job. This includes the growing trend of digital courses. 

Qualifications in Demand 

The imperatives of digital transformation have driven demand for a specific range of qualifications. Leadership of a company’s digital literacy programs requires an understanding of data analytics, software development and software-as-a-service platforms, cloud computing, intelligent automation and cyber security.   

As important as technical skills may be, leaders must be skilled in the art of communicating and managing the change that ongoing digital transformation requires. 

Here are some of the EU Business School postgraduate programs that prepare students for a specialized area of business, while providing a balanced understanding of fundamental concepts. 

Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

An entrepreneurial mindset is not limited to those wanting to start their own business. Large corporations have learned from small and medium businesses the importance of rapid pivoting, flexibility, and sourcing new markets in a rapidly changing business ecosystem. In other words, the ability to innovate. 

This program explores the main components of innovation and new venture creation and provides an insight into entrepreneurial endeavor and the conditions within which it can be cultivated effectively. Focusing on the development of creative thinking and executive skills, students will discover entrepreneurial challenges and solutions, while taking the opportunity to evaluate and conceptualize business models. 

Bachelor of Business Administration – BBA 

A specialized undergraduate degree focusing on those who want to embark upon a career in business management, the BBA develops the acumen and entrepreneurial mindset required to conduct business on a global scale.  

Students will cover international negotiation, cultures and languages, while exploring the complexity of multinational organizations with their intricate hierarchies, social frameworks and administrative challenges. 

The degree awarded includes: 

  • A university bachelor’s degree awarded by Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), (título propio), a state-recognized university in Spain. 
  • A bachelor’s degree from EU Business School Switzerland which is internationally accredited by ACBSP, IACBE, IQA and certified by eduQua. 
  • A state-recognized BA (Hons) in Business Management from University of Derby, U.K. 
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MBA in International Business 

This major equips students with the tools to navigate a world with rapidly diminishing borders while fostering creative problem-solving skills and entrepreneurial thinking.  

In this program, students will develop a broad understanding of the global economic playing field through extensive case study research accompanied by a diverse range of topics that relate to international business, including: finance, law, media, communications and management. 

EU students in this program are introduced to globally successful leaders as a fundamental part of the approach to providing a business education that will kick start their careers. 

Additional Qualifications 

While completing the above two MBA programs, students will have the opportunity to earn an additional qualification from U.K.’s London Metropolitan University: an MSc in International Business Management (designed for aspiring professionals with less than two years of work experience), or an MBA from London Met (for working professionals and those who have previously held managerial roles). 

Both qualifications can be earned in one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. 

Final Thoughts 

With the virtual learning environment having become a way of life, EU Business School provides digital learning as an increasingly popular and accessible alternative to traditional learning and teaching. See our website for more information on our digital programs.  

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