EU Business School

EU Alumni: Jessica Putz

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This year we continue our blog series Movers, Makers & Shakers. Each week we’ll feature one of our graduates either excelling in their field, moving on to further studies or building their own business. Our first mover, maker & shaker of 2017 is Jessica Putz.

Jessica Putz is originally from a well-preserved medieval city in Germany called Regensburg, located between Munich and Nuremberg.

Putz currently works at Credit Suisse as a junior business analyst in regulatory reporting. A job she attained after graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Finance from EU Montreux in 2015.


Networking was key to Putz’s job offer at Credit Suisse. Putz mentioned her job search to multiple friends and this open act of communication definitely paid off.

I got my job because I told my friend about applying for this and that and she told me that she knew someone, it went around ten million corners. I spoke to a friend from Zurich, not even a close friend. Yet she managed to cut different corners for me and I ended up with this job, where I actually want to stay.

Putz studied on one of EU’s more intimate campuses, EU Montreux. Known for its smaller student body and tailored learning experience.

I really preferred that it was kind of small and very familiar. There aren’t too many people, you basically know everybody. There is a chance that you bump into someone you know on the street. It was really nice. I loved the campus. I felt really comfortable there… Especially for me in my specific program, I often ended up alone or with two or three people in the specialization courses. I loved this, you can actually have a real exchange and that’s great.

Improving her French and English were big motivators for Putz. They became an important reason for her choosing to live and study in Switzerland at EU Montreux.

I knew if I was in an environment where I could speak German, I would. In the end, I’m very, very happy because I was forced to improve my English and French skills.

In addition to this, the international environment at EU really set it apart from other business schools.

It was so cool to meet people from all around the world. It was crazy what I found out about different cultures and other countries. I think that spending basically all week with international people really gives you a good insight to how they’re living, how they think in their culture and what their opinion is on certain topics. It opened my own mind so much. I was able to see different perspectives and different ways of thinking.

Her current job involves regulatory reporting. These reports are for internal purposes or for a collection of stakeholders, like the Swiss National Bank or the Bank of England. Putz generally produces reports for projects in the U.K. and Switzerland with a tool called Axiom. A tool that Putz expects all companies and banks to integrate into their systems, sooner rather than later:

We’re basically producing reports that can be used internally and for performance reasons, it’s mandatory for the regulators to hand these reports in. There are very specific criteria and strict guidelines for what these reports should look like. What I actually do in my job is analyzing the figures and developing them.

Visit the link here for more information about the programs offered at our Switzerland campuses in Geneva and Montreux.


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